Comic Summary: Megatron's plan enters its second stage as the Autobots continue to fall under attack from heavily armed humans. Elsewhere, Starscream attempts to initiate a plan of his own with an old ally. Costa and Milne aren't bringing everyone out of this issue in one piece as the REVENGE OF THE DECEPTICONS continues!
Comic Summary: MEGATRON's deadliest plan yet kicks into high gear-it's all-out war! Plus-BUMBLEBEE squares off against BARRICADE for what may prove to be the final time, while OPTIMUS PRIME calls in every AUTOBOT on Earth to put an end to STARSCREAM! The stakes rise in this intense prequel to Transformers 3!
Comic Summary: It's all out war in Philadelphia, as Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots roll out to stop Starscream and his forces from killing Sam Witwicky! The biggest, most explosive battle in Transformers history begins here! The fate of the universe rests on the outcome and the action of this summer's hottest movie heats up right here!