MGT-01 Delicate Warrior
Release: October 2010
Price: $110 USD as of this
writing (was originally $98 USD)
Available from
The second entry into the fan made custom Arcee toys, MGT-01 Arcee is a
much better toy then its predecessor, the TRNS-01 Valkyrie released
earlier this year. On the down side, this toy is more money but it is
also a far better collectible then the other one too.
MGT-01 is thicker plastic then TRNS-01 Arcee. This difference
alone makes it better. While the older toy is made of what feels like
thin and easily breakable plastic, the MGT-01 even feels more durable.
You don't have to worry it might break if you so much as drop it. Also,
MGT-01 is a bit bigger then the TRNS-01.
MGT-01 has about equal poseability with TRNS-01. However, the figure
comes with a flexible display stand that allows even more unusual poses
as well as allows you to display Arcee as a statue style figurine if
you prefer. Also, this toy can stand on its own (unlike the TRNS-01
which usually needs something to support it). Another simple but cool
feature that attracted me to this toy was Arcee's big guns (compared
with the other version). Frankly, she looks more bad-ass this way and I
prefer that.
MGT-01 also has a deeper pink tone (which looks much more vibrant and
attractive) as well as better paint applications. Her eyes don't look
terrible like my TRNS-01 (one eye has paint slopped over the actual eye
and looks terrible--yes, it came this way from the factory). The sides
of her head are also painted with blue highlights (instead of nothing).
I would've preferred they make her face a light grey but unfortunately
she also gets the white-face treatment like the other version.
Color instructions and tech spec card! Both are sweet (yeah, the
computer art could be a tad better, but oh well). As mentioned before,
the included display base is nice.
An expensive toy but a quality one and I would recommend it to those
who want to lay down the money for it... (here's hoping Hasbro gets in
the game and mass produces their own G1 style Arcee as there's clearly a market
for it).
If you want to see even more pictures (and video too!), go to
toy can also be ordered from there).