Generations Optimus Prime w/Roller
Class: Legend
Price: $10 USD/$12 CDN
Available:  Now

It's a small Optimus Prime done up in the newer style (with a more defined cab section then the original versions). This is a decent toy at a good price. The real treat here, though, is the addition of Roller as a Minicon-like partner with limited robot mode (his arms move, but that's about it), vehicle mode and who can also combine into Prime's gun. This is worth getting if you want a reasonably priced Prime toy and/or a Roller of your very own.
Verdict:  Excellent.


TF:Prime Beast Hunters Windrazor

Class: Legend
Price: $10 USD/$12 CDN
Available:  Now

This is one of the better toys in the new Terrorcons assortment. The re-use of Windrazor as a name is arguably an improvement over the original's Cutthroat. The robot mode is excellent considering the size as is the beast mode which successfully accomplishes what it sets out to do (sadly, not all of them can say the same thing). The crossbow-like weapon is a good addition too.

Verdict:  Good.


TF:Prime Beast Hunters Blight
Class: Legend
Price: $10 USD/$12 CDN
Available:  Now

It's a fairly good toy with a good robot mode and a good beast form as well. I can't really say I'm blown away by this guy. He's good and he is what he is, but somehow he's not quite as exciting as Windrazor (or Twinstrike) were. Still, he's worth buying on his own or if you need him to complete Abominus.
Verdict:  Good.


TF:Prime Beast Hunters Rippersnapper
Class: Legend
Price: $10 USD/$12 CDN
Available:  Now

Nice robot mode but terrible looking beast form (I was going off the pictures on the package so I guess it's possible I mis-transformed him). I really think they could've done better with the beast form... he looks almost, I dunno,  incomplete somehow in beast form. Like there should be something more in the middle.

Verdict:  Average. I'd pass on this one, to be honest, but most people will buy it anyway since they need him for Abominus.

Abominus looks cool all-together although mine had a little trouble staying together (Blight keeps coming loose). A good job, considering these are all Legends toys but I really hope the upsized version in 2014 is a bit more stable.