Legion Class (Legends) Arcee
Price: $8 (prices may vary)
Available: Now

Arcee is small and spindly as a Legion class toy (caused in part by the fact the toy is supposed to represent a female character. She can't be designed to be too bulky). The effect is that the toy is thin and feels cheap. I much prefer the Deluxe FE toy over this one any day.  The toy's transformation is simple enough to perform, which is a plus in its favor. For once, I had no trouble changing it between forms--I miss this simplicity in a lot of the newer toys. Another strike against this toy is that its gun is made of the soft very flexible--and easy to break--plastic.

Verdict:  Pass. Not a good product.

Commander Class (Scout) Dreadwing
Price: $12 (prices may vary)
Available: Now

A nice toy even at this scale. The worst I have to say about this one is that I had a heck of a time getting it to form into its fighter mode (the legs and getting them turned the right way was what did it for me). The weapons, unlike Arcee's gun, are made of a harder plastic that's more durable.  A pretty nice version of the character and worth getting (since who knows if/when we'll get to see a bigger toy of him).

Verdict:  Excellent. A must buy!

Legion Class (Legends)  Breakdown
Price: $8 (prices may vary)
Available: Now

A good version of Breakdown. This toy's small but durable (unlike Arcee) and well detailed for its size. I just wish he were bigger!

Verdict:  Excellent!

Commander Class (Scout) Ironhide
Price: $12 (prices may vary)

Usually I don't care if a toy has a supporting character in a series but I must admit it would be cool if there were an Ironhide in the actual Prime cartoon. Still, this is a pretty nicely designed toy. It's fairly easy to transform and pretty durable. It also comes with two cannons which are made of thick plastic.  One minor nitpick--the feet are designed a little bit weird and don't seem to be quite perfect in the truck mode (in my opinion, they should snap/fit together and they don't seem to).

Verdict:  Very good.